The ups and downs, The twists and turns, The jerks and smooth curves, The scary yet enjoyable experience...as I ride on!!!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
A night to remember!

Friday, October 12, 2007
"Serendipity"....do you believe in destiny?

Sunday, October 7, 2007
My Claim to Fame :(

It was a fine Wednesday morning and I was sitting in class waiting for the economics Prof. whom I just cannot stand but had no choice but be present for "90% Attendence sake". The attendence was taken and as the teacher walked out of the class for a while there was this adrenaline rush within me that urged me to jump out of my class room window as soon as possible. To give you the facts:
Jumping height: 6.5ft from the ground
Time available: 6-10 seconds (includes climbing up d window and jumping down)
Outfit: Traitional Indian Suit and HIGH HEELS
So I rushed towards the window throw my sandals out,climb the chair get on the window grill...all 50 pair of eyes(my classmates) focused at me and very confidently as i jumped out, my foot lost its grip,slipped and while my class mates thought of it as an act of bravery and were all praises...On my odessey to the ground I was prayin to god to help me "ATLEAST LAND SAFELY"....and there I was on the ground landing on my Butts! The cushion that i had helped me in no possible way :(! Had no time to assemble my self well so just ran to my room before I cud get caught. Reached my room and I realised that I had hurt my lower back and tail bone badly :( I could not move.could not sit or even lei on my back for hours after that!
And about me getting famous...the moment i stepped out of room the most unfamiliar faces walk up to me with a smile(trying to hide their laughter) asking me how was I doin!!!And I must tell you that never in my entire stay at SIMS did i ever get so famous for the "GOOD" things done as this stupid and really embarassing incident did to me!
But then me as my usual self was laughing more than others and always with them too at the whole thing. So finally I really don't care about being embarassed anymore coz the brighter side is that after that day people around know who Shveta Sharma is and yeah I ended up knowing a lot more batch mates of mine after this! So allz well that ends well and this was my story of how I finally got famous in college with no effort put in at all!
Ultimate benefit of having HOBBIES!

So after a while came my turn, I very proudly handed my resume to him which according to my classmates was really impressive. He goes through the resume and yes does mention that it is pretty impressive with a few minor changes required. Finally he reached the last section of the resume titled: "HOBBIES AND INTERESTS".... and it takes him a 20 seconds to "recite" the list of my hobbies and interests! (just for the anxious ones the list included: biking,travelling,dancing, blogging, collecting poems, letter writing, meeting new people, listening to music.....).
Gosh! that was so damn cool! He puts his point across asking me to cut short that exhaustive list and at the same time makes me realise.....THE ULTIMATE BENEFIT OF HAVING HOBBIES!!!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Innocence at its best!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
All about chocolates

Chocolate is produced from the fruit of the cacao tree. The cacao tree is a native of Central and South America and is grown in equatorial countries around the world.
Christopher Columbus 'discovered' chocolate on August 15, 1502, when he stole the cargo of a native trader near modern Honduras. Columbus assumed that the beans were a kind of almond, and all he really knew about them was that someone else thought they were valuable; so, for the glory of Church, State, and Christopher Columbus, he took them.
In fact, the strange, aromatic beans were so valuable that they were used as currency by the local islanders. The mysterious booty was taken back to Spain, where it failed utterly to make a favourable impression until 20 years later, when Hernando Cortez 're-discovered' cacao by demolishing the Aztec empire. The Aztecs had enjoyed chocolate for generations as a beverage made from crushed cacao beans mixed with water or wine. It was usually seasoned with vanilla or chillies.
The Aztecs had inherited the bitter tasting, frothy drink from the Maya people, who had started saying 'Cacao' to each other around 500 AD. To Spanish tastes, Aztec drinking chocolate was much too bitter, and they also found the muddy texture repugnant. But, on the off chance that it might turn out to be an aphrodisiac, they decided to stick with it, and chocolate has been inextricably linked to sex ever since.
In Europe a chocolate drink, now sweetened with sugar, became the drink of choice among the nobility. By the simple expedient of stealing tropical islands and enslaving their inhabitants, cacao plantations around the world (principally in Dutch and English colonies) made chocolate accessible to commoners (albeit rich ones).
In 1828, the Dutch chocolate maker Conrad J. van Houten invented a way to press the fat from roasted cacao beans, thus creating a means to economically produce what we would recognise as cocoa powder. The process of adding alkaline salts to cocoa powder to make it easier to mix with water is still known as 'Dutching'. In 1849, the Englishman Joseph Storrs Fry mixed sugar and cocoa butter with Houten's cocoa powder to produce the world's first chocolate bar.
Milk chocolate was invented in 1879 by the Swiss chocolate manufacturer Daniel Peter, who had the idea of adding powdered milk (invented by the Swiss chemist Henri Nestlé in 1867) to the mixture.
How to make a chocolate bar:
Selection - A blend of perhaps as many as 12 different types of bean are selected.
Roasting - Each type of bean is roasted separately.
Winnowing - The hard outer hulls are removed from the 'nibs'.
Grinding - The roasted beans are ground under granite rollers in a machine called a melangéur. Sugar and vanilla are added. The traditional tool used for grinding and blending chocolate is called a metate; it's a large, slightly curved stone tool used like a mortar and pestle.
Conching - Chocolate liquor is blended and gently heated for up to 72 hours.
Tempering - Tempering involves heating the chocolate and cooling it in several stages. This changes the chemical structure of the chocolate to a form that will retain its shape when moulded.
Moulding - The liquid chocolate is poured into moulds then allowed to cool and set hard.
Chocolate and health
- Eating chocolate neither causes nor aggravates acne.
- Chocolate does not promote tooth decay, although the sugar in chocolate, as in other foods, does cause cavities. There is even evidence that the cocoa butter in chocolate may inhibit the formation of plaque.
- They are instant energy boosters.
- They are a good combo of nutrients, proteins as well as vitamins.
- Chocolates contain flavonals which are antioxidants, also present in apples and red wine. In fact a 50 mg bar of dark chocolate is equivalent to 6 apples, 2 glasses of wine and 7 onions in its flavonoid contents.
- Chocolates posses anti clotting effect in same measure as an asprin. Thus chocolates assist in reducing the risk of deep vein thrombosis when flying.
- It has been proved that sniffing a chocolate bar can boost your immune system by raising the level of antibodies in the body.
- Cocoa butter contains phenolics, which are believed to reduce the risk of heart disease.
- Chocolate contains theobromine, caffeine, phenylethylamine and anandamide. Theobromine and caffeine are stimulants. Phenylethylamine combines with dopamine in the brain to produce a mild anti-depressant effect. Anandamide produces feelings of calm and well being.
Sex and Chocolate
From the beginning there has been a connection between sex and chocolate. The complex relationship of consuming chocolate, feeling good, having sex, and consuming more chocolate is an intricate pattern set on a Mayan loom, and woven more deftly with every new generation in every new culture.
History is full of stories about people who put chocolate’s reputation to the test.Reasons why chocolates are better than sex
- When you have chocolate it does not keep you neighbors awake.
- You are never too young or too old for chocolate.
- Good chocolate is not hard to find.
- With chocolate there's no need to fake it.
- You can ask a stranger for chocolate without getting your face slapped.
- You can have chocolate on top of your desk during office hours without upsetting your co-workers.
- The word "commitment" doesn't scare off chocolate.
- You can make chocolate last as long as you want it to.
- You can safely have chocolate while you are driving.
- You can GET chocolate.
- It stays hard by simply putting it in the fridge.
- It doesn't snore straight after the act of passion is finished.
- Chocolate contains a naturally occurring amino acid called phenylethylamine. It helps to cure hangovers, it gets rid of the headache; sex doesn't, it normally makes it worse.
- Chocolate contains theobromine. This is a mild long lasting stimulant that leaves you in a good mood for ages afterwards. Sex normally doesn't quite match up to this.
- What tastes best, chocolate or sex?
- Sex can pass on diseases. With the odd exception of a salmonella scare, chocolate doesn't.
- Eating chocolate can be messy at times, however sex can be a whole lot messier, on more than one level.
- What's cheaper to insure? A bar of chocolate or a husband.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Know the True me- This is me personified!

Saturday, September 1, 2007
The significance of the word "First"
1. The First Birthday
2. The First Class
3. The First Day at school

4. The First Punishment
5. The First ranker at school
6. The First time i did not come first!
7. The First party with friends.
8. The First Crush.
9. The First time i went camping.
10. The First class I bunked
11. The First farewell
12. The First touch from supposedly "The Guy!!!"
13. The First day at college
14. The First Night at the hostel
15. The First night out with friends
16. The First Date
17. The First sleepless night
18. The First time i rode a "BIKE"
19. The First Accident
20. The First smoke
21. The First time that i got drunk
22. The First time i went Clubbing
23. The First vacation with just friends
24. The First Kiss
25. The First Valentine day roses
26. The First heart break
27. The First day at work
28. The First Salary
29. The First Gift i bought with my salary
30. The First Resignation letter
31. The First day at the second time in college
32. The First attempt to recollect all the "Firsts....."
Gosh there is so much that i thought i had forgotten and to my surprise it took me jus 10 mins to jot all these down..... I must say all these First Times have been really special to me... most of these times have brought me a lot of excitement, a lot of joy but a few have brought me a lot of pain too.... But all these moments are something that i will carry with me throughout my life.
" The advantage of a bad memory is that one enjoys several times the same good things for the first time!!"
So before I close i just want to convey that even though each of these moments are really special to us and how ever hard we may try we cannot get the same excitement from similar things we do now.... but as they say "There's always a first time....." that cannot be replaced but at the same time you cannot blame the second for not being first. After all feel lucky that you are getting the second chance for the first time!! I would end quoting:
“No one can possibly know what is about to happen: it is happening, each time, for the first time, for the only time.”
Food for thought.....these guide me....

Friday, August 24, 2007
Old maybe gold but give the new their due.

"Old times" never come back and I suppose it's just as well. What comes back is a new morning every day in the year, and that's better."
What is new now will be old in a few moments from now...I do agree that the old friends, old memeories and past experiences play a very important role in our lives and remind us of some of the finest moments of our life but have u ever wondered that because we are so overwhelmed by the people in our lives that we create a barrier around us and by choice and just refuse to allow the new people around us to be counted in our list of "great friends"....its really ironical.
I see a lot of people around me including me who choose not to be a part of the present and continue to live with their past glories....what i really don't understand is "How does one define past?" Its something that is very relative...what you experienced a minute back is past this minute! So when you say....New...how do u define it or how do you conclude that this is new? I feel its an on going process each one of us is evolving with time and so is everything around us....I experience a new me every few minutes but does that stop me from liking myself? No..infact i find my self improving everytime...so then why is it that we complain about the new people around us and we do not even try to break the initial ice? Are they not jus as new as you are at that moment? I was discussing this with a friend and this one statement of his totally convinced me about this thought that was troubling me.He said:
"If you bought 22 K gold a few years back does that mean that the 24 K gold available today is of no use or is by any chance less valuable?".....
All i want to convey is that we all need to open up a little to embrace the present and enjoy to the fullest the things that are sent our way. I would conclude with these last lines:
We seem to be going through a period of nostalgia, and everyone seems to think yesterday was better than today. I don't think it was, and I would advise you not to wait ten years before admitting today was great. If you're hung up on nostalgia, pretend today is yesterday and just go out and have one hell of a time.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Finally on a Vacation!!!

We had hired our own 25 seater bus and the journey started on 11th August at 8 am. It felt so good to be back with old friends to enjoy a vacation. It was a lovely drive to Alibagh as the vast stretch of land across the road was lush green, the clouds were flying low through the mountains and the serpentine highway was pitch black and endless due to the rains. We halted at Khandala for tea and I just cannot put into words the scenic beauty there. I felt so fresh and full of energy after seeing the beauty around. We then continued with the journey and we didn’t realize when the remaining 4 hours went by while playing anatakshari!

After a long lively journey we reached our destination the Kashid Beach. We were put up in this small and sweet bungalow so with both lodging and dining taken care of and we sure now that we were destined to have a great holiday! The two days that we were there were full of masti, fun and excitement. We spent hours playing volley ball and cricket on the virgin beaches of Alibagh. It seemed that suddenly time had gone back and each one of felt like a kid as none of us had any hang ups or prior commitments or responsibilities for those three days. The fact that there was no network coverage for mobiles was a blessing in disguise for all of us! The evenings were spent playing dumb sharades and memory games, singing and pulling each others legs while wining and dining went along side. Then we used to have this post dinner session that started at mid-night where in half of us used to play cards and the rest used to have brain storming sessions about some of the weirdest and interesting topics…..right from technology to psychology…it was so much fun. Then finally we used to force each other to bed at 4AM!!!
The three things that I enjoyed most and that made my vacation a success are:

The long walks on the beach all alone listening to my favorite music and singing along aloud with no one around me. I felt so light and relieved. Initially while I was walking alone I was upset as the not so good things that were going on in my life flashed in front of me. But as later as time went by I realized that by the time I was walking the last time on the beach before leaving for pune, I was feeling happy, light, re-energized and full of life. I had let out my worries, frustrations and hang- ups through this.

So I would recommend all you people to definitely take some time out and treat yourself with a vacation…………it is impossible to put I words the feelings when you are convinced at the end of it that it was all worth it!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Embrace yourself....embrace life....

When was the last time you smiled at yourself?
When was it last that you kissed your reflection in the mirror?
When was it last that you pampered yourself jus because you love yourself and tried to do justice to your existence?
When was the last time that you took time out and spent time with yourself?
Well...how many of us have asked ourselves these questions recently? Well i asked myself these questions today afternoon when i was busy trying to cope up with all my assignments and research papers. I was in a total frustrated frame of mind when a friend gave me a call and as we got talking he told me how he had taken time out from his job and gone on a vacation jus to relax....I realised that i badly needed a break too.
After the conversation i just lay on my bed for sometime and the above questions crossed my mind and to my dismay i realised that it had been a long long time that i had actually just spent time with myself. In my endeavor to achieve my goals and do well at work and studies i had actually not bothered to give myself some time out. I could not recollect when was it last that i went for a ride on a bike on the highway to feel the wind in my hair with just no hang ups at all...i could not recollect when last did i actually go out with my friends and be completely mentally present there with out thinking about the pending tasks!... Nor could i recollect that when was it last that i looked myself in the mirror for a few more seconds just to smile at myself!!!
It was so damn scary. I always thought that i was the easy going happy go lucky kinds...but just 5 mins that i spent thinking about myself today was a big shock to me! So guys i would request all of you to give yourself 5 mins of your time everyday. Think about things that interest you, think about what makes you happy, think about your old friends and take time to call atleast one of them each day, try to plan for your weekend, smile at yourself every morning and the world will smile with you, go out alone and listen to your favorite music, dance a little, treat yourself to your favourite food, sing out to yourself, pamper yourself, laugh loud and with all your heart...forget those plastic smiles for a while, think of the good old times and thank god for all those moments he brought your way etc etc etc..... to put it in one line....
Do all those things to yourself that you would expect your beloved to do for you.... be your own lover once a while and life will suddenly seem so "LIVELY"... as its rightly said....
“You must love yourself before you love another. By accepting yourself and fully being what you are, your simple presence can make others happy.”
Thursday, July 19, 2007
A Beautiful Nightmare- Welcome to The Orientation!!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Job for a Day!!!
The Future CEO's the beginning.....
It was a very amusing day for me today. I always knew i was outgoing, smart and could manage well with minimum resources...but today i proved this to myself. The 10th day of orientation at SIMS and its already made me aware of my potentials! Our class had a Business excercise today where in we all made up a buddy pair and had to go out to Deccan area to find ourselves a job for the day and to earn minimum of Rs. 100 each without spending even a single penny till we got back to campus. It sounded really easy and fun but the challenges started the very moment we got out from the campus gates.
The first challenge was to get to Deccan which was 4 Km from the institute and that too by taking a lift.It totally brought out the dramatist within me back to life...I made the funniest faces right from the brightest smiling face to the most helpless face to convince passerbyes to let me hop on. Well i did manage one finally and that too from a very old man and i wasnt too sure if he could actually handle the bike with me on it too ;)... nevertheless i manged to reach deccan and now the next challenge awaited me....I was supposed to meet my buddy there who was totally new to Pune and we forgot to exchange cell numbers before leaving college and even though he left 10 mins before me from college..He was no where to be seen even after waiting for 15 mins!!! I had totally given up the hope to carry on but then ....I spotted him across the road....There he was totally god sent i must say....Oh!! what a relief..and then our odessey began.....
We went to all the possible restaraunts on FC road, to all the famous apparel stores etc..crosswords, bag shops, Bata showroom, Oakwood etc etc etc.. but no luck at all... Finally at 11:45 am we managed to get the job at Louis Philippe outlet on JM road.... awesome luck i must say...after sweating for 2 hours and facing rejections and loosing all hope we finally managed a job at this exclusive air conditioned show room and for a decent Rs. 200 each for 4 hours!!!
Once we got to know our task there, we both got straight to work....the work involved updating the inventory or more simply put, it was to check for the present stock in the showroom. So i got onto checking the stocks for the their collections under the names Luxury, Khakis, Highlights, Formal trousers (PV,TR,Regular) under pleated and non pleated categories. The whole process took me 4 hours and while i was doing the needful there was a senior CCA who was assisting me through out and that too very patiently. He answered all my queries and praised me for picking up things really well and fast. Apart from doing the task assigned i studied the show room interior in details and learnt the concept of Visual Merchandise, the placing of products, the sequence of arranging the clothes, the reason for varying prices between almost similar looking fabrics and the art of making the customer buy atleast one item more than what he was actually planning to buy.
lt was a great learning experience as i had never thought that so much of planning goes into even the placement of clothes in the retail outlet. It was fun, exciting and extremely interesting and ofcouse very tiring too..it kept us on our toes throughout the day!
We then took our leave from Louis Philippe at 4:30 pm and set off to report to Mr. Manohar Kamath (The facliltator for this exercise) at FTI swimming pool with the 400 bucks that we managed to earn. Both of us were really hungry by now but alas...even with that money in our pockets...we could not buy ourselves food...as it was against the rules! And of course there was yet another challenge of reaching the required meeting place again by taking lifts which was an art both of us had mastered by then.
It was pouring cats and dogs when we reached law college road and we were late already but someting kept us going and we did walk our way to the common meeting place and were so glad to see all our classmates there and all of us patting each others back for climbing the first stay to CEO ship!
In the it was all worth it. Though totally out of energy end of the day i felt like a winner. It was an adventurous day for me as i never in my wildest dreams had ever imagined that i would actually earn myself a living without spending a single penny! So definately today i m proud of myself and realised that this was just the beginning and now that i have full confidence in me and now that i know i can do better..... I am gonna undertake this odessey right away!!!