Won't get into the details of my serendipity with this person but all I would want to say is that getting to know him just happened! One moment and we became friends without putting in any effort to do so. And to confess the truth I always wanted to get to know this person but had just no possible reason or means to approach him and in just four days its him asking me "Do you believe in destiny? Do you ever feel that the people you are destined to meet some people in your life?"
And as usual I carried these lines with me that night and gosh!...now it made me go back in time and analyse the various situations through which i ended up becoming friends to some really wonderful people and yes...they were not meant to be otherwise.....most of the people just come along on your way to life but some few appear from no where and leave an indeliable mark on you and become your best buddies!
So if sometime you find some time free just give it a thought.Go back in time and think of the people and things that are around you at present and just try to analyse as to how many out of these were the ones whom you expected or knew you would meet some day. I must tell you its really amusing because I did end up smiling to myself after going through this.
We are all tied together in a single garment of destiny... An inescapable network of mutuality... I can never be what I ought to be until you are allowed to be what you ought to be.
Fate is the closest word in terms of meaning with the word destiny according to webster dictionary but we consider fate with disaster and destiny with something good. So if u believe in destiny u should believe in fate as well.
Serendipity... and Destiny...
Serendipity - well thats a romantic movie. Something everyone would like to believe in and I think everyone does somehow or the other.
"you never choose your destiny, destiny chooses you."
It makes you feel secure, you feel everything is out for good, but in real I don't think its true. There are people who live their destiny and there are people who mold their destiny. I want to mold it.
For a moment, I thought, why is this dedicated to me...
Anyways, this was a beautiful post too :)
- The other Serendipity
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