Friday, January 4, 2008

Between Friends

Yes the girl in the picture on your right is my best friend. She s the one person who is always with me through all seasons, all my moods and sometimes she just arrives when I need her the most and am least expecting her! I meet her atleast 3 times a week and after that we feel that we are always short of time to complete our conversations. After I joined my MBA we have been meeting regulary but its always been not more than an hour that we could spend with each other and talk, we would meet to go shoppin together or to discuss some thing important etc.

Some 5 days back we both met up to exchange some stuff and it so happened that we both had time to spare and spent 5 hours just talking and listening what the other had to say. And by the time we headed back it felt as if even though we had been meeting regulary we never really knew what exactly is going on in each others in our views on things happening in our life, our reactions, our expectations, our frustrations, our dreams....we could never find the time to express these in the short timeperiods that we meet for. But after this lovely evening that we spent together I felt so relieved, so light and at the same time so much more aware of what she means to me :).
Well i guess they are so right when they say:

" The biggest gift you can ever give anyone or ever receive from anyone is your/their time"
Its all that you need to catch up with everything in life!


Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Monitor de LCD, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Anonymous said...

I like those quotable quotes like stuff that you write at the end of your posts :)

and a Big Hi to Toni!

I was so stunned to see her avatar at the reunion, that I forgot to hug her. Damn!

Anonymous said...

Tch Tch...the anon above was me...

- Serendipity