Yes the girl in the picture on your right is my best friend. She s the one person who is always with me through all seasons, all my moods and sometimes she just arrives when I need her the most and am least expecting her! I meet her atleast 3 times a week and after that we feel that we are always short of time to complete our conversations. After I joined my MBA we have been meeting regulary but its always been not more than an hour that we could spend with each other and talk, we would meet to go shoppin together or to discuss some thing important etc.Some 5 days back we both met up to exchange some stuff and it so happened that we both had time to spare and spent 5 hours just talking and listening what the other had to say. And by the time we headed back it felt as if even though we had been meeting regulary we never really knew what exactly is going on in each others in our views on things happening in our life, our reactions, our expectations, our frustrations, our dreams....we could never find the time to express these in the short timeperiods that we meet for. But after this lovely evening that we spent together I felt so relieved, so light and at the same time so much more aware of what she means to me :).Well i guess they are so right when they say:" The biggest gift you can ever give anyone or ever receive from anyone is your/their time"
Its all that you need to catch up with everything in life!
Gosh! kids now days are such smart asses!!!A few days back I was travelling to Goa with my uncle and a "small" cousin...who was jus 4 years old. My uncle had borrowed his friend's car and was really glad that the car was equipped with a child lock facility as my cousin is a really notorious boy. While handing over the car keys my uncle's friend explained to him the car locking n unlocking mechanism and during that time my cousin was playing around. So finally we left for Goa and soon after we got into the car again after our first halt in the uncle got into the car and it wouldnt start at all and after trying all tricks for 5 mins he realised that he needed to unlock the child lock thru the remote and only den would the car start! So he had to get out of the car lock it and then unlock it again...and guess what this happened each time we halted every time new confusion in order to avoid the earlier mistakes.And the best part about each time this happened was that it was my cousin who would point out what my uncle was doing wrong! He would say "Papa ...aise karo to car start hogi" each time we would get stranded and each time he was right!So with the kids getting just too techno savvy and smart by the day...I really dont think child locks are gonna make things easy for parents and its rather gonna make their life even more complex and to add to this would be that the parents would finally need the children to unlock themselves from the trap they got locked into!!!