The ups and downs, The twists and turns, The jerks and smooth curves, The scary yet enjoyable I ride on!!!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Innocence at its best!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
All about chocolates

Chocolate is produced from the fruit of the cacao tree. The cacao tree is a native of Central and South America and is grown in equatorial countries around the world.
Christopher Columbus 'discovered' chocolate on August 15, 1502, when he stole the cargo of a native trader near modern Honduras. Columbus assumed that the beans were a kind of almond, and all he really knew about them was that someone else thought they were valuable; so, for the glory of Church, State, and Christopher Columbus, he took them.
In fact, the strange, aromatic beans were so valuable that they were used as currency by the local islanders. The mysterious booty was taken back to Spain, where it failed utterly to make a favourable impression until 20 years later, when Hernando Cortez 're-discovered' cacao by demolishing the Aztec empire. The Aztecs had enjoyed chocolate for generations as a beverage made from crushed cacao beans mixed with water or wine. It was usually seasoned with vanilla or chillies.
The Aztecs had inherited the bitter tasting, frothy drink from the Maya people, who had started saying 'Cacao' to each other around 500 AD. To Spanish tastes, Aztec drinking chocolate was much too bitter, and they also found the muddy texture repugnant. But, on the off chance that it might turn out to be an aphrodisiac, they decided to stick with it, and chocolate has been inextricably linked to sex ever since.
In Europe a chocolate drink, now sweetened with sugar, became the drink of choice among the nobility. By the simple expedient of stealing tropical islands and enslaving their inhabitants, cacao plantations around the world (principally in Dutch and English colonies) made chocolate accessible to commoners (albeit rich ones).
In 1828, the Dutch chocolate maker Conrad J. van Houten invented a way to press the fat from roasted cacao beans, thus creating a means to economically produce what we would recognise as cocoa powder. The process of adding alkaline salts to cocoa powder to make it easier to mix with water is still known as 'Dutching'. In 1849, the Englishman Joseph Storrs Fry mixed sugar and cocoa butter with Houten's cocoa powder to produce the world's first chocolate bar.
Milk chocolate was invented in 1879 by the Swiss chocolate manufacturer Daniel Peter, who had the idea of adding powdered milk (invented by the Swiss chemist Henri Nestlé in 1867) to the mixture.
How to make a chocolate bar:
Selection - A blend of perhaps as many as 12 different types of bean are selected.
Roasting - Each type of bean is roasted separately.
Winnowing - The hard outer hulls are removed from the 'nibs'.
Grinding - The roasted beans are ground under granite rollers in a machine called a melangéur. Sugar and vanilla are added. The traditional tool used for grinding and blending chocolate is called a metate; it's a large, slightly curved stone tool used like a mortar and pestle.
Conching - Chocolate liquor is blended and gently heated for up to 72 hours.
Tempering - Tempering involves heating the chocolate and cooling it in several stages. This changes the chemical structure of the chocolate to a form that will retain its shape when moulded.
Moulding - The liquid chocolate is poured into moulds then allowed to cool and set hard.
Chocolate and health
- Eating chocolate neither causes nor aggravates acne.
- Chocolate does not promote tooth decay, although the sugar in chocolate, as in other foods, does cause cavities. There is even evidence that the cocoa butter in chocolate may inhibit the formation of plaque.
- They are instant energy boosters.
- They are a good combo of nutrients, proteins as well as vitamins.
- Chocolates contain flavonals which are antioxidants, also present in apples and red wine. In fact a 50 mg bar of dark chocolate is equivalent to 6 apples, 2 glasses of wine and 7 onions in its flavonoid contents.
- Chocolates posses anti clotting effect in same measure as an asprin. Thus chocolates assist in reducing the risk of deep vein thrombosis when flying.
- It has been proved that sniffing a chocolate bar can boost your immune system by raising the level of antibodies in the body.
- Cocoa butter contains phenolics, which are believed to reduce the risk of heart disease.
- Chocolate contains theobromine, caffeine, phenylethylamine and anandamide. Theobromine and caffeine are stimulants. Phenylethylamine combines with dopamine in the brain to produce a mild anti-depressant effect. Anandamide produces feelings of calm and well being.
Sex and Chocolate
From the beginning there has been a connection between sex and chocolate. The complex relationship of consuming chocolate, feeling good, having sex, and consuming more chocolate is an intricate pattern set on a Mayan loom, and woven more deftly with every new generation in every new culture.
History is full of stories about people who put chocolate’s reputation to the test.Reasons why chocolates are better than sex
- When you have chocolate it does not keep you neighbors awake.
- You are never too young or too old for chocolate.
- Good chocolate is not hard to find.
- With chocolate there's no need to fake it.
- You can ask a stranger for chocolate without getting your face slapped.
- You can have chocolate on top of your desk during office hours without upsetting your co-workers.
- The word "commitment" doesn't scare off chocolate.
- You can make chocolate last as long as you want it to.
- You can safely have chocolate while you are driving.
- You can GET chocolate.
- It stays hard by simply putting it in the fridge.
- It doesn't snore straight after the act of passion is finished.
- Chocolate contains a naturally occurring amino acid called phenylethylamine. It helps to cure hangovers, it gets rid of the headache; sex doesn't, it normally makes it worse.
- Chocolate contains theobromine. This is a mild long lasting stimulant that leaves you in a good mood for ages afterwards. Sex normally doesn't quite match up to this.
- What tastes best, chocolate or sex?
- Sex can pass on diseases. With the odd exception of a salmonella scare, chocolate doesn't.
- Eating chocolate can be messy at times, however sex can be a whole lot messier, on more than one level.
- What's cheaper to insure? A bar of chocolate or a husband.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Know the True me- This is me personified!

Taurean women do not see social status while making their friends. They want to be friends with people who do not hide their true nature and come across as they really are. Their friends may be a little weird, but they will not be phonies or hypocrites. A Taurus girl doesn't fight with people she dislikes, she simply ignores them and becomes indifferent to their presence. However, she will be loyal to her true friends and they will remain with her throughout her life. In return, she will expect them to stand by her when she needs them. A Taurean woman also gets jealous, but only if you exceed the limits of casual flirtation. Everything has a limit and this also does. It's better not to provoke her anger or you will be very sorry.
She is brainy, but not too much interested in intellectual subjects. She is practical in her thinking and does not feel the need to indulge in mental gymnastics. She is balanced in her approach and you will hardly see her in a restless disposition. A Taurean girl hates anything artificial, be the flowers in her vase or the friends in her life. She has to feel the fragrance of real roses and the presence of real people. The beauty of Mother Nature especially pleases her.Ugliness of any kind makes her miserable and repulsive. She loves to be amidst colorful surroundings, like gardens blooming with flowers.
A Taurean female has a good taste, so please be very careful before taking her out. She is a very good cook herself and you will always be treated to excellent homemade food. She is also very much interested in the art forms, like painting. She is a tomboy at heart and will enjoy many guy-things like horse riding, going on a roller coaster ride, fishing, etc.All this makes her feel close to nature. She dresses simply, yet elegantly and her fabrics are always feather-soft.
Taurus female is very strong and above the usual female insecurities. However, she demands loyalty and will never compromise in this area. She is beyond hypocrisy and has an undemanding and easy-going manner. She wants her man to take her side, especially in public. If he contradicts her in front of other people, expect the temperature to reach beyond the boiling point.When pushed too far, she loses her cool demeanor quickly.
Taurus women make excellent mothers, except for the fact that they cannot tolerate disobedience or defiance in kids. Laziness and carelessness also makes them angry. Otherwise, they will be more of a friend to their children than the typical mommies. A Taurus woman will also teach the kids how to be strong and will protect them from the big bad outside world. She never shirks from or whines about her responsibilities. Her man will be expected to do the same.She can also bear endless pain and stress, without complaining for a single minute.
She is good with finances and knows how to maintain quality in a reasonable budget. She is a very good host and will be there to help her man in any and every way she can. A Taurean woman will care for you when you are ill, will back you in your new business venture and let you take over the control of the home. And, you will always be treated to a warm, cozy home when you come back from office!
Saturday, September 1, 2007
The significance of the word "First"
Have you ever wondered what does the word "First" mean to us? Two days back i was in a conversation with a friend and it was after that conversation that a question arose in my mind " What does "first" mean to me? What all do i recall when i think of "First"? What's the irony about it? How happy does it make me? How upset it can make me?"..etc etc etc..... So finally I just thought of seeking answers to these questions and so here i am jotting down what all comes to my mind when i think of "The First...."
1. The First Birthday
2. The First Class
3. The First Day at school
4. The First Punishment
5. The First ranker at school
6. The First time i did not come first!
7. The First party with friends.
8. The First Crush.
9. The First time i went camping.
10. The First class I bunked
11. The First farewell
12. The First touch from supposedly "The Guy!!!"
13. The First day at college
14. The First Night at the hostel
15. The First night out with friends
16. The First Date
17. The First sleepless night
18. The First time i rode a "BIKE"
19. The First Accident
20. The First smoke
21. The First time that i got drunk
22. The First time i went Clubbing
23. The First vacation with just friends
24. The First Kiss
25. The First Valentine day roses
26. The First heart break
27. The First day at work
28. The First Salary
29. The First Gift i bought with my salary
30. The First Resignation letter
31. The First day at the second time in college
32. The First attempt to recollect all the "Firsts....."
Gosh there is so much that i thought i had forgotten and to my surprise it took me jus 10 mins to jot all these down..... I must say all these First Times have been really special to me... most of these times have brought me a lot of excitement, a lot of joy but a few have brought me a lot of pain too.... But all these moments are something that i will carry with me throughout my life.
" The advantage of a bad memory is that one enjoys several times the same good things for the first time!!"
So before I close i just want to convey that even though each of these moments are really special to us and how ever hard we may try we cannot get the same excitement from similar things we do now.... but as they say "There's always a first time....." that cannot be replaced but at the same time you cannot blame the second for not being first. After all feel lucky that you are getting the second chance for the first time!! I would end quoting:
“No one can possibly know what is about to happen: it is happening, each time, for the first time, for the only time.”
1. The First Birthday
2. The First Class
3. The First Day at school

4. The First Punishment
5. The First ranker at school
6. The First time i did not come first!
7. The First party with friends.
8. The First Crush.
9. The First time i went camping.
10. The First class I bunked
11. The First farewell
12. The First touch from supposedly "The Guy!!!"
13. The First day at college
14. The First Night at the hostel
15. The First night out with friends
16. The First Date
17. The First sleepless night
18. The First time i rode a "BIKE"
19. The First Accident
20. The First smoke
21. The First time that i got drunk
22. The First time i went Clubbing
23. The First vacation with just friends
24. The First Kiss
25. The First Valentine day roses
26. The First heart break
27. The First day at work
28. The First Salary
29. The First Gift i bought with my salary
30. The First Resignation letter
31. The First day at the second time in college
32. The First attempt to recollect all the "Firsts....."
Gosh there is so much that i thought i had forgotten and to my surprise it took me jus 10 mins to jot all these down..... I must say all these First Times have been really special to me... most of these times have brought me a lot of excitement, a lot of joy but a few have brought me a lot of pain too.... But all these moments are something that i will carry with me throughout my life.
" The advantage of a bad memory is that one enjoys several times the same good things for the first time!!"
So before I close i just want to convey that even though each of these moments are really special to us and how ever hard we may try we cannot get the same excitement from similar things we do now.... but as they say "There's always a first time....." that cannot be replaced but at the same time you cannot blame the second for not being first. After all feel lucky that you are getting the second chance for the first time!! I would end quoting:
“No one can possibly know what is about to happen: it is happening, each time, for the first time, for the only time.”
Food for thought.....these guide me....
I am putting a few thoughts here...these have been a great source of motivation for me till now, have helped me handle situations in a better way and will always keep me moving ahead. Hoping that some of you could find solutions to their problems and would learn to percieve things in a new light after reading these quotes.

1. To hate a person is a waste. Half the persons u hate don't care and the other half don't know!
2. You laugh at me because I am different. But i laugh at you for being all the same.
3. Success is how high you rebound when you hit the bottom.
4. We do not see things as they are. We see them as we are.
5. The best feelings are those that have no words to describe them.
6. A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable but also more useful than a life spent in doing nothing.
7. You probably wouldnt worry about what people think of you if you could know how seldom they do.
8. Never assume the obvious is true. (This one is tested and proved)
9. Let the difficulties know we are more difficult!
10.Catch the trade winds in your sails....Explore. Dream. Discover.
11. The heart has it own reasons of which reasons know nothing.
12. Its better lose your pride with someone you love than to lose some one you love with your useless pride.
And finally here is something that some very special to me had to say to me when i was really confused about the intentions of the people around me.....and this is something that i have carried with me since makes me feel special and boosts me up....and here it goes:
" You are highly lovable.... People can't have you that easily....Don't let them."
If you analyse this statement, it speaks conveys to me what this person feels for me, at the same time it conveys to me that i should continue being good and doing good and yet not let people take advantage of this in way that i hurt myself.....and this is exactly i would want to convey to each one of you there....You are all special and highly lovable just believe in yourself.
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